As a writer and speaker, I have focused extensively on disordered food, weight and body image issues, including my book, “Thin Enough: My Spiritual Journey Through the Living Death of an Eating Disorder,” and in recovery-based publications, like “In Recovery Magazine” and “Serene Scene.” However, since my 2017 breast cancer diagnosis, I now turn some of my attention to this issue, all from the perspective that the diagnosed woman is valid in making whatever choices she desires concerning her treatment. And, in my spare time, I try to clean up the issues running amuck in my life, such as they are. It’s messy. It’s painful. And sometimes, it’s even fun. But it’s all worth it. So, issues running amuck, a/k/a, my life. I endeavor to live it, with as many good hair days as possible!

You can follow me on Twitter…

Check Me Out on Elephant Journal…

Thin Enough

I tackle food, weight, value, and image issues which are often found within disordered eating. I explore these topics, writing for both faith and recovery-focused publications, and in my book, “Thin Enough: My Spiritual Journey Through the Living Death of an Eating Disorder.”

Dr. Gregory L. Jantz, Ph.D. Certified Eating Disorder Professional Founder and Director, The Center for Counseling and Health Resources, Incorporated:


"Renewing the mind with God’s Truth not only keeps you on the path of recovery, but will keep you walking strong towards victory… Sheryle Cruse does an excellent job in this book stepping you through the healing process.”


Don Nielson, Treasurer and Co-Founder, National Eating Disorders Association:


"Sheryle Cruse has written a wonderful book that takes a deep look inside the thinking of a sufferer of an eating disorder...”


Pastor Lisa Bevere, Messenger International Ministries, Author of “Kissed the Girls and Made them Cry” and “Be Angry, But Don’t Blow It:”


"Sheryle Cruse knows of what she speaks. She has written a way of escape from the dark abyss of eating disorders into the shelter of the Most High... It is a brave raw book for every daughter, mother or sister who has encountered this shadowy existence.”

Linda J. Macdonald, Christian Counselor:

“Sheryle writes a creative, heart-rending story of her battle with anorexia and bulimia and the spiritual revelation that saved her life. She transparently shares her jagged journey from bondage to freedom in a way that those who struggle with this frightening disorder will identify with. Her questions for journaling are as good as hours of therapy. Once I started reading, I could hardly put it down. I heartily recommend it.”

Me, close to my lowest weight with Anorexia

Featured speaker at weekend conference on eating disorders…

Featured in the 2014 Summer Issue of the National Eating Disorder Awareness’ magazine, “Making Connections.” my article, “This Excruciating Business (of Loving Someone with an Eating Disorder): Tips from a Spouse,” discusses the role significant others can play in one’s recovery.

Speaking at a “Thin Enough” Book Signing…

Speaking at The Emily Program…

Speaking at Ridgewater College…


My Romp With Breast Cancer

Me, fresh from my breast cancer surgery…

Diagnosed in 2017, I write and speak about my experiences with breast cancer, all while being fussy the entire time.

“Kewpies: My Cancer Coping Mascot” spotlights the importance of finding your recovery mascot.

“Living Breast-less-”

I share my personal breast-less revelations as I navigate my breast cancer experiences.

 Stop Shaming Breastless Women—& Other Assumptions about Breast Cancer we're Getting Wrong. | elephant journal

“The Diagnosed Caregiver-”

Featured in the Winter 2017-2018 issue of “Christian Living in the Mature Years Magazine,” I share the challenge of my breast cancer diagnosis, while simultaneously serving as caregiver to my elderly mother.

The Remission Question: Are You “In” Or “Out?”

Featured in the October 2020 issue of Conquer Magazine, I discuss the precarious reality of cancer survivorship, and other peoples’ hopes, fears, and expectations concerning it.

“Cookie Cutter?” Art Piece, by Sheryle Cruse, “The Art of Healing,” The Art of Healing Program, Delaware Community College, June, 2023

“Cookie Cutter?” Art Piece, by Sheryle Cruse, “The Art of Healing,” The Art of Healing Program, Delaware Community College, June, 2023


Assorted Issues Running Amuck

SURVIVORS STORIES: Surviving Eating Disorders and Breast Cancer

 This is brave and courageous story of Sheryle Cruse the author of 'Thin Enough'. In this open discussion Sheryle shares her story of how complex PTSD from growing up in a dysfunctional family lead to her eating disorder and later possible contributed to her breast cancer.


“Recycling Abuse,” featured in the March/April 2015 issue of “Recovery Wire Magazine,” explores the connection between disorder and abuse, primarily through the widely known phases of abuse.

“On Being Visitor Friendly-”

Featured in the November 2015 issue of Serene Scene Magazine, I explore the challenges the “visitor friendly” trend, often occurring in the Christian church, especially concerning recovery and support resources.

“The Wrong Kind of Legacy-”

Featured in “Recovery Wire Magazine’s” September/October 2015 Issue, (Issue 18), I caution against the potential dangers of teaching children harmful and inaccurate image messages.

“The Diagnosed Caregiver-”

Featured in the Winter 2017-18 issue of “Christian Living in the Mature Years Magazine,” I share the challenge of my breast cancer diagnosis, while simultaneously serving as caregiver to my elderly mother.

“More Than Just a Messy House-”

Featured in the Fall 2019 issue of “Christian Living in the Mature Years Magazine,” I explore hoarding within the context of the elderly population, especially, within a caregiving context

Speaking about my assorted and disordered experiences at The Emily Program…

A mortal and writer, surviving abuse, eating disorders, AND breast cancer? You better believe it. Watch and see me overshare from my assorted experiences.